Thursday, November 14, 2013

سينين الله سيناء

سيناء يا سيناء يا سيناء

أنت حبة العين السامية المرفوعة للسماء

سيناء يا تين يازيتون

يا سينين الله

يا متاهة البغاة

 يا رافعة من رفعه الله

يا حبة العين يا سينين الله


- الواصلة الله الدكتورة/ وفاء ياديس

Saturday, April 28, 2012

حب النمور

الحب مش لعبة

الحب قدر واختيار

واحة جوة الغابة

الحب انتماء ونماء

مشاركة مش شركة

Sunday, April 22, 2012

هو انت مين؟

هو انت شايف نفسك ايه؟


ملك الغابة

وحش يخوّف الديابة

طب والناس شايفينك ايه؟

قط مقطقط

هادى وماشى

لما ينوّنو كله يزقطط


يعنى انت اسد واللا قط؟

انا زى مااشوف نفسى

انا زى بقيت خلق الله

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

احنا واحد

أنا وأنت فى قارب واحد


أنا واحد وأنت واحد

احنا الاثنين بنجّدف

رايحين لمكان واحد

انا يمين وانت شمال

وياخدنا نهر واحد

وكده يكمل مشوارنا


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Golden Fish

It is a golden fish

It is not it

The fish has a soul

The fish has a mind of fish

The fish lives and dies

The fish gives

her body to us

The body of the fish

Becomes one

With our bodies

The system of the fish

Becomes one

With our system

We we eat a fish

We become the fish

I am a golden fish

~ Divine Crystal Souls

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Angels and Flowers

Angels love flowers.
 Every flower has its own Angel.

 My Angel loves Lilies.

Since I was a child, I was attracted to white Lilies.
I asked my Angel
What flower HE loves
HE whispered
White lilies
 I asked my Angel
Are you my Angel with every one loves white lilies?
My Angel hold me and said with love
My dear Divine Crystal Souls,
I love white Lily because you love it
 Angels love all flowers and roses,
all trees and roads
 but we love the most
everything that
the human who we are with,
 love it the most.

~ Divine Crystal Souls

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Innocent Souls

The child inside us

is our innocent soul

هو اللى من جوانا بيبص

وهو من عند ربنا رسول

~ Divine Crystal Souls

Saturday, September 3, 2011


هو يعنى ايه " امبريللا" ؟

هي معناها: "أم " و "بر " و " يللا" .

 أم تضم طفل صغير.

وبرّ أمان من المطر.

 و يللا نروح قبل المطر ما يشد

وماتبقاش بر امان من المطر.

 ~ جورو وفاء

Friday, September 2, 2011


Forgive yourself

Take steps

To a dance with life

Forgive others

Take them out of your system

To clean your path

To fly free

~Divine Crystal Souls

Beauty and Pain

Beauty doesn't hurt.

We choose the beauty which hearts.

We think when we mix beauty with pain,

Beauty will last

And pain will be forgotten

With every time our minds remember beauty,

Our bodies remember the pain

If you want beauty to last,

As you enjoy beauty

Accept with it the pain

~ Divine Crystal Souls


What is the meaning of C A T ?

Cat is free animal. He knows his way in life.

He knows his own way of love.

 He has his own way of choices.

Do you have a spirit of C A T ?

 Do you wish to have a spirit of C A T?

I don't.

I have a H U M A N soul.

 Human Souls feel all souls of the Universe.

~ Divine Crystal Souls


A beautiful alive Soul in your hand.

 What are you going to do?

 Kill it?

Play with it?

Or send her free to find its own way in her short life?

You have choices.

 Don't choose for another Soul.

~ Divine Crystal Souls


All Souls are together and they all know.

All Minds are together but they don't know.

All Hearts are together

They just don't feel it.

~ Divine Crystal Souls

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Love You


Say it with any way

Say it with your heart

Say it with your soul 

Say it all the way

to your Soul Mate.

 Never wait.

~Divine Crystal Souls


Passion is Spiritual when it comes from Souls.

 Passion is Emotional when it comes from Hearts.

Passion is Mental when it comes from Minds.

Passion is Physical when it comes from Bodies.

Passion is DIVINE when it comes from all of them in the same time.

 My Passion is a DIVINE passion.

~Divine Crystal Souls.

Love and Time

With every new Moon,

 we have new Love vows.

 With every Sunrise,

 our Love and Passion arise.

 with every Sunset,

We Forgive and forget.

 ~ Divine Cristal Souls


Romance comes first.
Romance is Fire.
Romance is Ice in a hot day

The day which comes Without Romance,

The day that Love will turns just sex

Romance comes first
Romance comes last

This is how Love cames and lasts

 ~Divine Crystal Souls

Angels and Birds

When you set in an open area
A garden, a club or just a coffee shop


Birds start to gather

Landing beside you,

There is an Angel
Holding you

Close your eyes

Let Him Hold You

Feel His love

Love Him back


Thank Him

~ Divine Crystal Souls